Thursday, January 28, 2010

How come God's Not Funny? Why is there is no tolerance in religion?

Intolerance is gaining ground.  We are losing out against the simple Right to Expression/Right to Speech. A virtually unknown newspaper the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten publishes a cartoon. Millions of Muslims around the world, who had never seen the caricatures, stage protests against an insult to the prophet demanding the appropriate punishment for the offenders- Death.
While the  big brother Osama went on to issue a Fatwa. What is the world coming to, a sane mind will ask? But the question itself has so often been asked that it has just become an empty rhetoric.
Muslims certainly lead the race is expressing their angst with blood. But Christians too are not far behind, in crying “this hurts sentiments.”
But in the end is it all not religious intolerance, as the religion is not able to tolerate what other people have to say about the religion. Religion can condemn and even brand- say  Infidel. Then why not art, literature or a speech, be able to poke fun at a religion.
I wish there would be more cartoons, more caricatures, poking fun at every religion. It’s time that they saw things without their veils.
It won’t be wrong to say that today religion is eating into the entire fibre of a free world. Satire, pun, jokes and sarcasm aren’t they a right as well.
Then why suppress it?


  1. Freedom of speech is a highly misunderstood expression. It doesn't mean saying what ever you feel like rather it is speaking the truth without any fear.
    Truth can be offensive to some so the writer must weigh the result with the purpose of the revelation before writing/producing such material.

  2. but should that fear of offending some, stop one from writing that...??
