Saturday, October 26, 2013

'Batman: Arkham Origins': Game gets bigger, but just a lil better from the past

The Verdict in Short -

There is much frenzy going on about this new game in town. It is good, but not great, just pretty good. You will enjoy it, but you won't go ga ga over it. Next to Arkham City, Arkham Origins is a bit of a disappointment. But you still should try it.

So what's the storyline - (buy it from Amazon)

The story takes place on Christmas Eve, with Black Mask putting out a $50 million bounty on Batman's head and 8 of the top assassins in Batman's rogue's gallery gunning for him. It's up to a younger Batman, in his 2nd year on the streets, to put an end to the night and take back control. This is Batman in his 2nd year, so he is still on bad terms with the police but does have Alfred to talk to for help and a full Batcave to train in. Having wrapped up the main campaign, I think it's overall a improvement on what we got from Arkham City in terms of game design. There were plenty of fun little twists and cameos that will make any Batman fan happy to see. I really liked that you had pretty much free reign to run around and tackle challenges as you please, and just stop what you're doing and tackle an ongoing crime if you wanted to. There's lots of side stuff to do for the Batman fans/completionists. One thing that is kind of jarring is that there's no one but criminals out on the streets, nor any traffic at all. It would have been great to see some life in the city, but they put in a plot device to explain that.

What people have to say about it -

Good Game, Bad Multiplayer says- Chance Woods -

So i preorderd the game earlier this summer and got it at the midnight release, i went home and played it until 6 in the morning only to realize i was only 10% done with the campaign, from the first 6 hours the game was amazing i assume there are at least 60 hours in the campaign or more.
After a while i headed over to the multiplayer, you have to go in to a lobby and out again about two or three times before actually getting into a game, but once in the multiplayer is good, going for around a 7/10 the game is quite thrilling never knowing when Batman or Robin could take you out, but after it all the game getting a 4/5 is good, i took a star out because of the loading times of the multiplayer and some bad gameplay mechanics, but overall this is an amazing game and one of the few coming out on Xbox 360 before the Xbox One hits stores. Good game i highly recommend it!

What else!

 A solid Batman game in its own right says - Genryu

WB Montreal had a big task taking over the reigns from Rocksteady, the original studio behind Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. The result is that Arkham Origins feels like a tweaked and polished version of Arkham City, with new voices, new gadgets, a fresh open storyline, a new environment, and other bonuses like detective investigations. The same great combat system that made the first two games great is still there largely untouched, just with a combat grading system and training area to help build you up for the boss fights and really become Batman at his prime. I've read some mixed reviews on the game, but as a Batman fan and action-adventure game fan Arkham Origins gets my approval. I've put a summary of the different aspects of the game below in some more detail. I plan to keep this spoiler free as best I can.

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