Saturday, February 13, 2010

These Blasts Won't Bow Us Down: Tribute to the Victims

It is unfortunate that lives have been lost. But they will be lost, till the time there are people, who undervalue others life.

Nine people, including five women were killed in the incident, while many were injured. The nation once came to a stand still, and watched in despair.

As Shashi Tharoor said in his Tweet msg: "Pune blasts still need2b investigated.But we must stand up &say we will not be terrorized. Not a time for blame game.Stay united &determined"

This blog pays its tribute to the dead and their grieving families.

1 comment:

  1. Shalini Ji:
    certainly the government to an extend should be held responsible. However, the question is how to make "our own people" trust us?? any suggestions??
